Elysa Wendi

Elysa Wendi is an independent dance artist and filmmaker working in between Hong Kong and Singapore. Preoccupied with the abstraction of memory from place, time and biographical traces, Wendi explores these themes in her live and filmic works. Straddling between disciplines, Wendi develops her films with a choreographic eye and performative approach. Her short film 1958 Delivery won the Best Experimental Film award at the 2018 South Taiwan Film Festival, and her film Forgive or Not to Forgive won Best Documentary at Hong Kong ArtHouse Film Festival 2020. She co-founded ‘Cinemovement’ — a platform for inter-disciplinary film creation together with film producer Jeremy Chua in 2015. She now works as curator for Jumping Frames International Video Dance Festival Hong Kong and is currently exploring her works in film, photography, and performance.